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Tips To Make Cleaning Your Rabbits Out Easier

I want to share with you my top tips to cleaning my rabbits out and help make it easier for you. It has been a bit of trial and error for me when it comes to cleaning my rabbits out and their bedding. I first started off with sawdust, then switched to paper bedding and now I only use a litter box and blankets on the floor.

Find out what works for your rabbit

It's taken me a little while to see how my rabbits litter habits happen and it's been so much easier with them both being neutured as it is so much cleaner and less smelly. I haven't always gotten my previous rabbits neutured and I think that is where I have gone wrong in the past. I have always been taught to look after my rabbits the very old fashioned way. I use to give my rabbits loads of pellets and hardly any hay and I never got them neutured.

Since getting them done, I have really noticed a difference in their toilet habits and it makes things 100x easier. It hasn't really taken me very long to fully litter train them which I'm really happy about, I only have to pick the odd droppings up from outside the litter box that happen by accident but other than that, they are complete angels. It's best to trial a few different set ups and see which one your bun prefers and gets on better with, then you can apply it to their set up.

Have a system you can easily follow

I clean my rabbits out, I'd say twice a week just to keep everything nice and clean, but I do shake up the litter box so the fresher litter is on the top every day until I clean it out properly. That also includes new litter and shaking out the blankets which I probably wash every fortnight. My rabbit Malibu is currently molting a lot and his fur is very fine and comes out very quickly so his fur gets all over the blankets and I have to shake them out a few times a week. Plus when he has zoomies, he likes digging them up and they get dragged around his enclosure.

I empty their litter boxes, brush away any stray bits of hay or litter that needs to come out, spray their anti-bacterial spray on the bottom and fill with clean paper litter pellets and fresh Clean n Cosy paper bedding for more absorbancy. Then I'll top up the hay bags if needed. Every now and then I do a deep clean of their litter boxes using vinegar and warm soapy water.

Get the products that actually work

It's taken me a little bit of time to do my research and try products that I know actually work. I will share all of my products for this at the bottom of this post for you to check out. I tried a litter box with a grid so my buns didn't stand on their poo and wee but that didn't work, tried several types of litter until I found this one which is really absorbant and is degradeable and get a good brush and pan to clean up the waste easily. I had a wooden one but it got ruined in the wet and cold weather so I've switched to a silicone and plastic one that's easier to clean.

I also prefer using a dialuted white vinegar and water cleaning spray to clean the buns hutch and run as well as their litter boxes as it's great for descenting wood and plastic and also removing urine stains. Mix up one part vinegar to one part water mixture in a spray bottle (10ml vinegar and 10ml water ratio for example) for however much you want to mix up.

Ask around and get ideas

If you are new to owning a rabbit, I would recommend joining a community on Facebook and asking other rabbit owners what they would use. It's such a mine field out there and it's easy to get things wrong so getting another opinion is always helpful. It's taken me some learning to get out of my old habits and use the best for my buns.




Hi, thanks for stopping by!

My name is Shannon and I am bun mum to two gorgeous buns: Malibu (M) & Zaya (F).

Fun Fact: Both my buns are named after rums. 

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